
LIC AAO Syllabus PDF 2022 And Exam Pattern PDF 2022

LIC Assistant Syllabus 2022

LIC AAO Syllabus PDF:- Recruitment for this post of LIC AAO i.e. Assistant Administrative Officers is advertised by LIC every year to fill the vacancies. AAO deals with LIC’s new policy plan formatting and checking old policies as well as customer policy claims settlement and more importantly LIC Assistant Administrative Officer.


Of course, recruitment for this important post is done in an equally thorough manner. This is why it is important to prepare well for this recruitment exam. To prepare for the exam, it is very important to prepare LIC AAO Syllabus PDF 2022 and Exam Pattern 2022 in a good way. From this post, LIC AAO’s full syllabus and exam pattern are given detailed information.

LIC AAO Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2022 Details


ह्या LIC AAO म्हणजेच Assistant Administrative Officers या पदासाठी LIC कडून दरवर्षी रिक्त पदे भरण्या साठी भरती ची जाहिरात देण्यात येते. AAO LIC च्या नवीन पोलिसी च्या नवीन योजना फॉरमॅटिंग आणि जुन्या पोलिसी चेक करण्याचं काम करतो त्याचबरोबर ग्राहकांचे पोलिसी क्लेम सेटलमेंट करण्याचं काम सुद्धा करावे लागते याच बरोबर अजून खूप महत्वाची LIC सहायक प्रशासकीय अधिकाऱ्याला करावी लागतात.

अर्थातच हे महत्वाचं पद भरण्या साठी भरती हि तितक्याच सखोल पद्धतीने केली जाते. त्यामुळेच या भरती परीक्षे ची तयारी चांगल्या पद्धतीने करणे आवश्यक आहे. परीक्षे ची तयारी करण्यासाठी LIC AAO Syllabus PDF 2022 And Exam Pattern 2022 चांगल्या पद्धतीने पाहून तयारी करणे खूपच आवश्यक असते . या पोस्ट मधून LIC AAO संपूर्ण अभ्यासक्रम आणि परीक्षा पॅटर्न विस्तारित माहिती देण्यात आलेली आहे.


Also Read:- MPSC Rajyaseva Syllabus In Marathi PDF 2022 And Exam Pattern PDF 2022

LIC AAO Selection Process 2022

  • या परीक्षे साठी ऑनलाईन आवेदन सुरु झाल्या नंतर उम्मेदवार अर्ज करून परीक्षे ची तयारी सुरु करतात ,
  • या नंतर पूर्व परीक्षा Preliminary Examination घेतली जाते जी ऑनलाईन असते .
  • पूर्व परीक्षा पात्र उम्मेदवाराना मुख्य परीक्षा Mains Examination  साठी बोलवण्यात येते .
  • या नंतर शेवटी मुलाखत Interview घेऊन उम्मेदवारांची निवड केली जाते .

LIC AAO Syllabus

Every candidate who preparing for LIC Assistant needs to know about the syllabus. LIC AAO Syllabus divided into 2 parts Prelims and Mains Exam. We are giving the syllabus For the LIC AAO Syllabus 2022 in the post given below.

  • AAO पदासाठी वेगवेगळ्या टॉपिक वर आधारित प्रश्न विचारले जातात ज्या मध्ये पूर्व आणि मुख्य परीक्षा अभ्यासक्रम थोडा वेगळा असतो .

LIC AAO Prelims Syllabus


LIC AAO Prelims Exam Syllabus is based on the English language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning. As per below know all about the AAO Prelims syllabus.

  • पूर्व परीक्षे मध्ये English Language:,Quantitative Aptitude: Reasoning:  असे ३ सेकशन आहेत .

Quantitative Aptitude

This is the Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus section, Everyone needs to know and study Ratio and Proportion, Simple Interest, Number Series, Data Interpretation, HCF and LCF etc. You can score in this section scoring many of the students. this topic is hard for those students who don’t study. You can get Higher marks in the part when you are studying properly.

  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Simple Interest
  • Compound Interest
  • Mixture and Alligation
  • Problems on Trains
  • Number Series
  • Data Interpretation
  • HCF and LCM
  • Profit and Loss
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Approximation
  • Simplification
  • Inequalities
  • Probability
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Mensuration
  • Average
  • Boats and Stream
  • Partnership
  • Problem on Ages
  • Speed Distance and Time


The reasoning is the most important thing to know before this is the LIC AAO Syllabus section, Everyone needs to know and study Data Sufficiency, Machine input- Output, Order and ranking, Puzzerls and etc. You can score in this section scoring many of the students. this topic is hard for those students who don’t study. You can get Higher marks in the part when you are studying properly.

  • Data Sufficiency
  • Machine Input-Output
  • Order and Ranking
  • Puzzles
  • Seating Arrangements
  • Direction Sense
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Inequalities
  • Alpha-NumericSeries
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Syllogism
  • Blood Relation

Also Read:- MPSC ASO Syllabus 2022 And Exam Pattern PDF Download

English Language

The English are the most important thing to know before this is the LIC AAO Syllabus section, Everyone needs to know and Word Usage, Sentence Errors, Sentence Improvement, Fillers, Cloze test, etc. You can score in this section scoring many of the students. this topic is hard for those students who don’t study. You can get Higher marks in the part when you are studying properly.

  • Word Usage
  • Sentence Errors
  • Sentence Improvement
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fillers
  • Cloze Test
  • Jumbled Paragraph
  • Phrase
  • Vocabulary
  • para completion

LIC AAO Exam Pattern for Prelims

  • पूर्व परीक्षे मध्ये , Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitudeआणि English यावर आधारित प्रश्न विचारले जातात .
  • परिसखा ऑनलाईन MCQ पद्धतीने घेतली जाते ज्या मध्ये एकूण १०० प्रश्न असतात .
  • प्रत्येक प्रश्नाला एकूण १०० मार्क्स असतात .
  • पहिले २ सेकशन हिंदी आणि इंग्लिश मध्ये दिले जाऊ शकतात .
  • एकूण वेळ १ तास असतो .
  • या भरती परीक्षे मध्ये सगळ्या सेकशन साठी स्वतंत्र पणे पात्रता पूर्ण करणे आवश्यक आहे .
Reasoning Ability353520 mins
Quantitative Aptitude353520 mins
English Language303020 mins
Total1007060 mins

LIC AAO Mains Syllabus

English Language(Descriptive Test)

  • Letter Writing and Essay


The reasoning is the most important thing to know before this is the LIC AAO Syllabus section, Everyone needs to know and study Data Sufficiency, Machine input- Output, Order and ranking, Puzzerls and etc. You can score in this section scoring many of the students. this topic is hard for those students who don’t study. You can get Higher marks in the part when you are studying properly.

  • Data Sufficiency
  • Machine Input-Output
  • Order and Ranking
  • Puzzles
  • Seating Arrangements
  • Direction Sense
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Inequalities
  • Alpha-NumericSeries
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Syllogism
  • Blood Relation

General Awareness

General Awareness is the most important thing to know before this is the LIC AAO General Awareness section, Everyone needs to know and study Current Affairs, Indian Politics, History of India, geography, important Days, etc. You can score in this section scoring many of the students. this topic is hard for those students who don’t study. You can get Higher marks in the part when you are studying properly.

  • Current Affairs
  • Indian Politics
  • History of India
  • Geography
  • Important Days
  • Indian Constitution
  • Indian Economics
  • Financial Institutions
  • Science and Technology
  • Awards
  • Countries, Capitals and Currencies
  • Books and Authors
  • Discoveries

Data Analysis & Interpretation (Generalists)

Data Analysis & Interpretation is the most important thing to know before this is the LIC AAO Data Analysis & Interpretation section, Everyone needs to know and study, Data Handling, Elementary Mathematics, Data Implementation, Pie Charts etc. You can score in this section scoring many of the students. this topic is hard for those students who don’t study. You can get Higher marks in the part when you are studying properly.

  • Data Handling
  • Elementary Mathematics
  • Data Implementation
  • Data Derivation
  • Pie Charts
  • Bar Graphs

Also Read: – LIC Assistant Syllabus 2022 And Exam Pattern 2022 PDF

Professional Knowledge

  • या सेकशन मध्ये निवडलेल्या पदानुसार पोस्ट नुसार प्रश्न विचारले जातात .
  •  IT, Chartered Accountant, Actuarial, and Rajbhasha posts साठी त्यांच्या नुसार सिलॅबस वेगवेगळा असू शकतो .

Insurance & Financial Market Awareness

Insurance & Financial Market Awareness is the most important thing to know before this is the LIC AAO Insurance & Financial Market Awareness section, Everyone needs to know and study, History Of Banking, Latest Policies, Business Topics, Development, etc. You can score in this section scoring many of the students. this topic is hard for those students who don’t study. You can get Higher marks in the part when you are studying properly.

  • History Of Banking
  • History Of Insurance
  • Latest Policies
  • Current Banking News
  • Insurance And Financial Market News
  • Business Topics
  • Finance Topic
  • Development
  • Financial Institutes
  • Terminologies & Derivations
  • Laws And Policies

LIC AAO Mains Exam Pattern

  • LIC AAO पदाच्या मुख्य परीक्षे मध्ये objective tests आणि descriptive tests असे दोन्ही सेकशन आहेत .
  • Objective Test  एकूण 300 मार्क्स ची असते तर लेखी descriptive tests साठी २५ गुण आहेत .
  • पहिल्या सेकशन साठी एकूण १२० मिनिट २ तास वेळ असतो तर descriptive साठी ३० मिनिटे वेळ असतो .
  • दोन्ही सेकशन लगेच एकत्र घेतले जातात .

Objective Tests

Reasoning Ability309040 mins
General Knowledge & Current Affairs306020 mins
Data Analysis & Interpretation (For Generalists)
Professional Knowledge (For IT/Chartered Accountant/Actuarial/Rajbhasha)
309040 mins
Insurance & Financial Market Awareness306020 mins
Total 120300120 mins

Descriptive tests

English Language (Letter Writing and Essay) 22530 mins

LIC AAO Interview

  • मुख्य परीक्षा पात्र उमेदवाराना मुलाखती साठी बोलावण्यात येते या साठी एकूण 60 गुण असतात .
  • मुलाखती मध्ये क्वालिफिकेशन साठी असलेल्या मार्क्स पेक्षा कमी गुण मिळाल्यावर अपात्र ठरवले जाईल .
  • मुख्य परीक्षा पात्र उम्मेदवारची मेरिट लिस्ट लावून Cut Off नुसार मुलाखती साठी उम्मेदवार बोलावले जातील .
  • मुलखाती झाल्या नंतर अजून एक फायनल Cutt Off जाहीर करून उम्मेदवार फायनल केले जातात .

LIC AAO Bharti Age Limit – वयाची पात्रता

  • या पदासाठी उम्मेदवारचे कमीत कमी वय 21 तर जास्तीत जास्त 30 वर्ष असू शकते .
  • या मध्ये OBC 3 वर्ष तर SC/ST 5 वर्ष सूट आहे .

LIC AAO Educational Qualification

  • AAO (Chartered Accountant) -पदासाठी उम्मेदवारत मान्यताप्राप्त शाखेमधून पदवी धर असणे आवश्यक आहे . Final Examination of Institute of Chartered Accountant पास असणे सुद्धा आवश्यक आहे .त्याचबरोबर उम्मेदवार  Institute of Chartered Accountants of India चा Associate member असणे आवश्यक आहे .
  • ह्या AAO (Actuarial)-पदासाठी उम्मेदवारत मान्यताप्राप्त शाखेमधून पदवी धर असणे आहे आणि  Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculty of Actuaries कडून घेतले जाणार  6 पेपर सुद्धा पास असणे आवश्यक आहे त्याचबरोबर  Institute of Actuaries of India चा member असणे आवश्यक .
  • ह्या AAO (Legal) साठी उम्मेदवार  Law or LLM मध्ये Bachelor’s degree  असणे आवश्यक त्याचबरोबर Three years of Bar experience आवश्यक .
  • AAO (Rajbhasha)-पदासाठी  Hindi/Hindi translation मध्ये  Post Graduate Master’s Degree किंवा Post Graduate Master’s Degree in English with Hindi किंवा Post Graduate Master’s Degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi या पैकी एक असणे आवश्यक .
  • AAO (IT) पदासाठी Engineering (Computer Science, IT or Electronics), or MCA or MSC (Computer Science)  मध्ये Graduation degree  असणे आवश्यक .

LIC AAO Exam Syllabus PDF 2022 Download

बहुतांश उमेदवारांना LIC AAO Syllabus PDF बद्दल ची माहिती ही LIC AAO Syllabus PDF 2022 स्वरूपात पाहिजे असते. त्यामुळे ही आम्ही lic aao generalist exam pattern स्वरूपात ही माहिती उपलब्ध करून देत आहे. खालील LIC AAO Syllabus PDF Download वर क्लिक करा.

LIC AAO Exam Pattern PDF 2022

बहुतांश उमेदवारांना LIC AAO Mains Exam Pattern बद्दल Exam Pattern ची माहिती ही PDF स्वरूपात पाहिजे असते. त्यामुळे ही आम्ही PDF स्वरूपात ही माहिती उपलब्ध करून देत आहे. खालील LIC AAO Exam Pattern PDF 2022 वर क्लिक करा.

Frequently Asked Questions For LIC AAO Syllabus 2022 And Exam Pattern 2022 PDF

Is LIC AAO exam held every year?

LIC Not Take Exams Every Year The Notification Are Released According To The Requirements To Fill New Vacancy.

What is the salary for LIC AAO?

LIC AAO Basic pay- Rs.32795/- After Increment- Rs 62,315/-

What is the syllabus of LIC AAO?

For LIC AAO Preliminary Exam Quantitative Aptitude.Reasoning: English Language Questions Asked And For mains English Language(Descriptive Test), Reasoning, General Awareness, Data Analysis & Interpretation (Generalists)Professional Knowledge And Insurance & Financial Market Awareness Based Questions Will Be Asked

What is LIC AAO eligibility?

Candidate Must Have Bachelor’s Degree in any field from a recognized Indian University

How can I apply for LIC AAO online?

After Releasing Official Notification LIC Will Provide a Link For an Application Where You Can Apply Online For The Post.

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